InCounter ArtsbyaleXander hirkaArmistice Is UnAmerican!The Never Ending Parade Of U.S. MilitarismNov 13, 202315Nov 13, 202315
Wes O'DonnellUkraine is Using its Leopard Tanks at Night as ‘Nocturnal Predators’The incredible advantage of night fighting in warSep 14, 202321Sep 14, 202321
Accidental FlyFrom Serbia with…The former Ministry of Defence building in Belgrade, bombed by NATO in 1999Jun 24, 202310Jun 24, 202310
ScottCDunnNo One Knows for Sure if Defeating Russia Will Actually Give Us Peace in UkraineBut we’re certain that Ukraine can do the job alone.Apr 18, 202311Apr 18, 202311
John WightFinland’s decision to join NATO has played right into Putin’s handsAlbert Einstein it was who made the salient point that ‘Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.’Apr 4, 2023103Apr 4, 2023103
ScottCDunnAll Together Now! Let’s Sing the Song, Sunday Bloody Sunday!Compromise is a costly word. No compromise even more so.Mar 6, 202311Mar 6, 202311
ScottCDunnHow The Neoliberals Have Hijacked the War in Ukraine Into a Class WarThe war in Ukraine is a class war and has next to nothing to do with freedom.Feb 28, 202312Feb 28, 202312
Wes O'DonnellThese Are the Chinese Weapon Systems Ukrainians May FaceSince the war in Ukraine began, China has been debating on whether to send Russia its military weapon systems. Now they are about to.Feb 23, 202318Feb 23, 202318
Grant PiperAmerica Is Addicted To Unwinnable Conflicts and The Addiction Is LethalAnd it’s bankrupting the countryFeb 25, 202331Feb 25, 202331
Wes O'DonnellOne Year Later, Poland Now in Russian Crosshairs — But it Might Be More Than Putin Can HandleThere’s a saying in Russia: Плохо́му танцо́ру — which translates to “A bad dancer blames his testicles.” Or, to put it another way, a bad…Feb 24, 202329Feb 24, 202329
ScottCDunnAmericans Have a Blind Spot, and the News Media Covers It Up WellPutin doesn’t act in a vacuum, he’s a reflection of what we do.Feb 26, 20238Feb 26, 20238
ScottCDunnTo Win, Russia Needs Only to Occupy a Large Part of UkraineRussia’s goal is to keep Ukraine out of NATO. Everything else is secondary.Feb 22, 202315Feb 22, 202315
ScottCDunnA More Likely Motive for the Nordstream Bombing is GreedIt’s funny how few people are following the money.Feb 18, 202311Feb 18, 202311
T. Mark MangumColonel Douglas Macgregor UkraineColonel Douglas Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and government official, and an author, consultant, and television commentator…Feb 8, 20233Feb 8, 20233
Wes O'DonnellThe Real Winners in the Ukraine War are the Arms ManufacturersIt is not hard to imagine the euphoria currently sweeping through the manufacturers of war machines in the United States.Jan 31, 20236Jan 31, 20236
Max FmvWho is Volodymyr Zelensky — the President of Ukraine?Volodymyr Zelensky is a Ukrainian politician, screenwriter, comedian, and media businessman who has served as the President of Ukraine…Jan 30, 20231Jan 30, 20231
ScottCDunnThe Magical Thinking of the Warmongers is What Gave Us a War in UkraineTo end the war in Ukraine, solve the problems that gave rise to the war first.Jan 24, 202316Jan 24, 202316
ScottCDunnCan We Talk About Ukraine’s Useful Idiots Who Prevented Peace in Donbas?Corruption is not a foundation for peace.Jan 22, 202321Jan 22, 202321
ScottCDunnHow the “Free Press” Has Quietly Failed Us in UkraineNotice the dearth of stories about the war in Ukraine when Russia wins for a day.Jan 14, 202312Jan 14, 202312
Allan Milne LeesRussia Is Not Losing In UkraineContrary to the complacent narrative promoted by Western journalists, Russia’s invasion is not collapsing and Ukrainian victory is not…Jan 5, 2023147Jan 5, 2023147